WordPress wp_list_pages includes Home link for no reason

Well, it’s never for ‘no reason’ but it can be hard to find.

I have been working with the free download ColorWay theme By InkThemes.com and while I like the theme it was annoying me that when I used the wp_list_pages function to get a list of child pages (which I logged earlier this year), it kept adding the Home page to the list as if it were a child of the page.

As it turns out after much tracking of the source of the issue, I find that the Colorway theme includes an add_filter function to insert the Home link at the top of the wp_list_pages function to build the main menu. I tracked this down to this file:


What I found was that the add_filter was being applied for the specific purpose and was then left as a persistent process.

at around line 46
and at around Line 63
add_filter(‘wp_list_pages, ‘inkthemes_new_nav_menu_items’);

Line 46 was inside a function which builds the main menu:

function inkthemes_nav_fallback() {
<div id="menu">
<ul class="ddsmoothmenu">

Which I modified to basically place the add_filter as a part of this function only and added a remove_filter at the end to put it back to normal.
function inkthemes_nav_fallback() {
// 20121103 thowden copied from line 63 to place relevant to this function only
add_filter(‘wp_list_pages’, ‘inkthemes_new_nav_menu_items’);
<div id="menu">
<ul class="ddsmoothmenu">
// 20121103 thowden added to reset the standard wp_list_pages function
remove_filter(‘wp_list_pages’, ‘inkthemes_new_nav_menu_items’);

So now the InkThemes menu will still work but will not perpetuate the wp_list_pages function change.

But, the body of the page list is still a problem and that is because line 63 as shown above is NOT in a function and is always applied. So the simple solution is to delete it, or comment it out of the code.

// 20121103 thowden to remove Home from list pages
//add_filter(‘wp_list_pages’, ‘inkthemes_new_nav_menu_items’);

and all is well with the world again…

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