I was trying to locate an install of cfdisk to help managing the drives on my SMEServer. There is no readily obvious yum repo with cfdisk and I eventually used an rpm that would work with Fedora.
However, cfdisk kept reporting ‘FATAL Error Cannot seek drive’ and a quick search reveals that cfdisk does not yet understand large drives like the 1Tbyte drives I have installed.
My Synology Disk Station 207 has been giving me trouble with connecting to my Linux based Samba network ever since I upgraded the firmware to DSM 2.2-0942.
Having tried everything I could to make it work and read hundreds of google’d sites and forums I decided yesterday to reinstall the firmware upgrade just to prove if it was an issue with the install.
But, Synology will only allow an upgrade of the firmware. I wanted to reinstall but DSM 2.2-0942 is the same as DSM 2.2-0942 and the process was rejected.
In order to make it work I accessed the server via SSH and edited the /etc.defaults/VERSION file and changed the minor version number from 0942 to 0941 and saved the file.
My next attempt reported the version as 0941 and the 0942 was accepted as an upgrade.
So I would expect that making this type of change will permit downgrading of firmware as well. I note now that this is documented in the Synology forums but there is mention of needing to edit /etc/VERSION as well as the /etc.default/VERSION but this was not my experience.
This is a really good script but the configuration section does not mention how to email to more than one recipient. It’s actually simply done by providing a semi-colon separated list of the email addresses.
SME Server and its underlying CentOS setup do not include Ion Cube PHP Loader by default.
There is no ‘yum install ion cube’ option either due to the proprietary licence. However, there is a free download available from Ion Cube and its a quick install.
Installing ionCube Loader:
1. Download the program to your server using wget
[bash]#wget http://downloads2.ioncube.com/loader_downloads/ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gz
2. Unpack the program
[bash]#tar -zxvf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gz[/bash]
3. This will probably be in your home directory or /root depending on your access to the SME Server. Move the ion cube directory to somewhere more appropriate:
[bash]# mv ioncube /opt/[/bash]
3. Go to the ion cube directory
[bash]# cd /opt/ioncube[/bash]
4.Copy these files to your SME Server Primary website *
[bash]# cp *.php /home/e-smith/files/ibays/Primary/html/[/bash]
5. Open this in your browser window
and see something like this……
Ion Cube Installation
6. Now the issue is really not the install but the templating of the /etc/php.ini in SME Server. I’ll assume that you have NOT modified the standard php.ini previously. If you have then skip the obvious directory creation step.
[bash]# mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/php.ini
# cd /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/php.ini
# touch 70ZendIonCube
7. We now have a template component file ready for editing. I like mcedit – part of the midnight commander suite – but you can use pico or vi or your favourite editor to edit the content as:
[bash]zend_extension = /opt/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_4.3.so[/bash]
Save the file and exit your editor. The purpose of this is to preserve the customisation of the system when SME Server updates are installed.
8. Prepare the update to the php.ini from the templates
[bash]# /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/php.ini[/bash]