Monthly Archives: July 2010

PHPMYAdmin on SME Server 8.0 beta 5

Adding an ibay for PHPMyAdmin to manage the SQL Db’s on the server.

The install is fine but an error message in the PHPMyadmin screen tells me that mcrypt is required.

So I found the appropriate page in the contribs Wiki for SME Server but I get a dependency error on

I located a suitable rpm for CentOS 5 and having installed it I could then complete the process as per the Wiki for SME Server.

In the Wiki page for PHP at the bottom is the section for SME 8.0 beta 5 and you need to insert a new step prior to step 4.

yum localinstall libmcrypt-2.5.8-4.el5.centos.i386.rpm

After this all the rest of the process works as it should.