If there is one piece of software that I use daily it is Ascendo DataVault Password Manager. I first researched password software a couple of years ago and came up with Ascendo Data Vault as my pick of what was available. Since that time I have used DataVault continuously on my office desktop, my notebook, iPhone & iPad on a daily basis. Available for Windows iPhone IOS and Android devices.
I bought extra copies for my wifes computer and her iPhone so that we both share the same database of passwords and access information.
I cannot recommend this product highly enough. I even used it on my short lived attempts to use an Android tablet (now in the hands of my Android-loving son).
Have a read of my original research and short-list of Password Manager Software and then my review of the short-listed apps.
It is has now been 2 years or more since that review and I have been very happy with my selection of Ascendo DataVault.
You can order DataVault for Windows or other platforms.