Gallery 3 and WordPress 3 plugins and problems

Gallery 3 is a photo gallery while WordPress provides for blogs and pages to be made. WordPress handles media but not as nicely as Gallery and as I already have (currently) 800+ photos in Gallery I did not want to go manually migrating. Hence a link between Gallery and WordPress would be good.

A number of plugins for WordPress exist and a number of extensions to Gallery exist. However to get them working is not a simple task.

The ones I have tried and the issues that I had to modify on my SME Server 8 to get them running is detailed here.

Gallery3 Client (G3Client) WordPress plugin

The first issue I had to resolve was that after install I kept getting an error

Could not connect to Gallery3: failed to connect to Gallery3 (http status code: 0)

The http status of 0 was odd and it took me a while to work it out. Which I did while looking at the next plugin. I documented the fix which was related to cURL and not having my DNS set correctly on the server.

Once that was resolved, I then had a similar error

Could not connect to Gallery3: failed to connect to Gallery3 (http status code: 302)

I documented the fix for this open_basedir restriction in effect in Apache in another post.

Gallery 3 Picker is the other plugin for WordPress that I tried.

I experienced the same errors with cURL as with the first plugin.

At first the Gallery3 Picker would just this message.

Detected REST tree support, will use this.

I was not sure what this meant as there was no ‘Ok’ message to indicate that it is working.
If I tried to add media from the gallery in WP, the title of my Gallery appears ok but the page states

Module not configured
Sorry, but your Gallery3 module configuration doesn’t seem to work:
there is an error possibly with CURL. No mod rewrite.
Please go here to configure

Which lead me back to the plugin configure page.

In the end I worked through the code for the picker.php file and established the issues with cURL and SME Server as noted above. I made a suggestion on handling the cURL error in the Gallery forum.

I now have both of these WordPress plugins working as designed and they appear very good.

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