I’ve been reading and trying a lot of options in my effort to have my web sites and specifically oscMax stores present nicely in all browsers.
Enter the concepts of css frameworks and having read multiple posts including this article from the respected A List Apart I am sure that this will aid me in getting the desired end result.
With that all in mind I’ve read the following articles and found them helpful:
- http://www.emanuelblagonic.com/2007/02/16/developing-the-grid-that-supports-your-design/
- http://sencss.kilianvalkhof.com/
- https://github.com/joshuaclayton/blueprint-css/wiki/Articles
- http://manwithnoblog.com/2007/09/09/treading-lightly-with-css-frameworks/
- http://mondaybynoon.com/2007/06/04/improving-your-process-templating-and-theming/
- http://mattbrett.com/workshop/2007/here-have-my-bare-bones-stylesheet/
- http://www.markboulton.co.uk/journal/comments/blueprint-a-css-framework
That’s a start on the how and why. For the moment I am going to run with Blueprint and see what that brings to the party.